Aim & Objectives


Conservation of nature as the basis for restoration of ecological balance, sustainable management of natural resources (specifically forests & wildlife habitats) and promotion of sustainable and equitable development.


  1. Wildlife & Habitat Protection
  • Support and Conduct research and on-ground conservation programs to protect natural ecosystems.
  • Encourage proaction by local communities for the conservation of wildlife and their habitats.
  • Collaborate with national and international organizations, the Forest Department and other relevant authorities for conducting wildlife research, assisting with wildlife management and promoting relevant training opportunities.
  • Create awareness on human and wildlife co-habitation, the status and protection of endangered plant and animal species through education campaigns, ecotourism, media coverage and creation of documentary films.
  1. Reforestation, Afforestation and Conservation of Forests
  • Conduct tree planting programs in protected forests and urban areas to increase green cover and reduce soil erosion.
  • Reforest with native plant species in order to attract native wildlife.
  • Educate communities, raise awareness and provide training for the prevention and control of forest fires and illegal logging.
  • Conduct and support programs for mangrove conservation.
  • Raise awareness and implement strategies related to grazing pressure and its consequences.
  • Assist tribals to reduce reliance on forest resources and to generate income sustainably.
  1. Water Conservation within Forests
  • Educate locals including tribals about sustainable management of natural water sources, responsible use of water and rain water harvesting techniques.
  • Promote natural water harvesting methods by constructing ponds and waterholes within forests.
  1. Human and Wildlife Co-habitation
  • Educate locals about the benefits of co-habitation with wildlife.
  • Strategize and implement measures to mitigate human-wildlife conflict.